January 09, 2011

Nautical Nanny

By: Alex Perry

For the past week my Grandma has been a cruiser. Everything that comes her way she takes it in stride. One of the road blocks was the dinghy, a half deflated 9 foot boat that transports us to land, but she managed to crawl right in. I am really glad she could come.

Nanny Donna is also my roomie and I'm really thankful that she doesn't snore like Brian or Uncle Rob. At night we all play games and watch the TV show she brought down with her. During the day we do school then we tour New Zealand. Yesterday we went to the falls and then to a small point where we watched in envy at a cruise ship.

Our Nautical Nanny is going to go camping with us to the thermal area of New Zealand to see the hot springs and bubbling mud. That will be an experience and since we were there before with Brian and Uncle Rob we will be able to show it all to her.

My favorite part of having my family here is being able to share my life with them. It is really awesome having Nautical Nanny here. She has successfully integrated into the cruising lifestyle!


  1. Nautical Nanny loved being with you all on part of your journey! I loved the experience of living on a sailboat and even having to take the dingy several times a day. New Zealand is an amazing country, beautiful and full of the nicest kindest people. Thank you Perrys for giving me the best Christmas holiday ever!

    Nautical Nanny Donna

  2. I saw the bubbling earth video that Nautical Nanny took and it looked awesome!

  3. Sounds Fun!

