April 19, 2009

The Grand Finale - by Alex

We have returned to Grenada after a long sail. About half way through the trip I thought to myself, "Why are we ........... click to read the rest on Alex's new blog site......


  1. Hey Alex I loved your blogg about Grenada.The bus ride sounded a bit terrifying.That is aweful that people stare you down...it must be because you are sooo handsome.;)Glad to hear you were able to spend some time with your buddy Adam.Tell Millie its her turn to write a nice long blogg.

  2. Good job Alex and Nanny Judith and I know exactly how you feel about the buses in Grenada. Happy to hear you "made"it.
    You must have wondered why your dad had to buy the teak in Greneda!
    Papa Roger
    Have you still got the ring?
