January 13, 2009

4:06 pm and we still aren't in the water....

Here Graham and I sit in the cock pit, in the burning heat, waiting for the travel lift to take us to the water. They promised we would be the last boat in today and we are still hopeful.

We have raised the Canada flag and the Grenadian flag. We are excited. We accomplished so much today. Amelia and I raised Graham up the missen mast so he could attach our new antenna. It was cool doing this without anyone elses help. We are fully stocked with groceries, all the water tanks are full, the batteries are fully charged, the seacocks are closed, the fenders are out, the docking lines are ready, the mooring line is ready, the dinghy is inflated and ready and waiting in at the dock for us, the new sails are on board, the bottom is painted, the boat is polished.....we are ready....time for Grenada Marine to "Splash" us!

stay tuned......


  1. CONGRATULATIONS - according to Amelia you are in the water now. Must be a great feeling. Hope that things progress as they should now

    Dad and Cheryl

  2. Finally! That is awesome. Hope Julie doesn't miss living on hard.

  3. Congrats!!!!!!!!!
    hope it's smooth sailing from here on in!

  4. Congratulations! That's so exciting.

  5. so happy for you all. Enjoy the cool sea air and having a bathroom!

